


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 6:00pm Fri: 8:30am - 5:00pm Saturday, Sunday Closed


The Spa at Kunisch Wellness Center is happy to announce that, as of August 2019, we are a Certified Provider for Cryoskin Services utilizing the Cryoskin 3.0 machine. If you are looking for a treatment that will help remove those unwanted fatty areas that are just not budging with diet and exercise alone, this is the treatment for you!

So how does the Cryoskin work? We have a list of all of the most wanted information below. Ready to learn more? It’s all about YOU.

Less Fat. More You.


Sub-zero temperatures destroy fat cells in the body, via non-invasive treatments for slimming, cellulite reduction and toning.

Get rid of unwanted fat without surgery or downtime.

With the latest in advanced technology from Paris, Cryoskin offers the most advanced non-invasive treatment solution for slimming and toning. Unlike other treatments, Cryoskin uses science that works with your body’s natural systems.

The hot-cold Peltier effect kills fat cells without damaging surrounding tissue and increases oxygen supply that aids in collagen production, resulting in slimmer, toned bodies, and the elimination of fine lines and wrinkles.

Quick and convenient treatments last between 30 – 40 minutes, with no recovery time. Cryoskin has all the fat loss benefits without any lasting side effects or discomfort. 88% of people surveyed found the treatments to be comfortable and relaxing.

In fact, some of our clients feel the session is so comfortable they take the time to catch a quick cat nap.

Cryoskin Slimming

If you’re looking to lose fat on your stomach, thighs, arms or back this is the solution for you.

CryoSlimming uses thermoelectric cooling to freeze fat, causing the cell death of subcutaneous fat tissue without damage to the overlying skin. The destroyed cells then pass naturally through your body’s lymphatic system over the next two weeks. (Following up with activities like exercise and sauna are advised to help this process.)

In a sample of 100 individuals that underwent the treatment, the average fat loss in the treated area was 38%. Clients may see some immediate change with both of these treatments, but the average person will see optimal results after three to six sessions

Below are before and after photos showing the results two of our clients have experienced with Cryoskin.

Cryoskin Toning

If you’re looking to remove cellulite or slow down the aging process, this is the treatment for you.

CryoToning helps diminish the appearance of cellulite and fine lines and wrinkles. Most commonly used for the face (i.e.”mini facelift”), legs, and arms, etc., the 30-minute treatment applies only cold therapy causing local metabolism and micro-circulation to improve the treated area. This boosts the production of collagen which eliminates cellulite, tones the area, improves skin elasticity, and reduces pore size. Both treatments are safe, painless alternatives to traditional surgical and body sculpting procedures.

Are you ready for Cryoskin?

Give us a call at 512-352-5285 or e-mail us at to book your appointment today!